Friday, May 4, 2007

Billy Goat Gruff

Ewen McTeagle is turning into the Big Billy Goat Gruff, not by going up the hillside to make himself fat, but by drinking goat's milk. He's very particular about WHAT he eats, HOW he eats it and HOW his "blankies" are arranged for sleeping. We, of course, try to accomodate him with the right bottle with the right milk and a soft bed.

Now, how did I get up here before?

Poor Brushy.

Settling inside on a rainy day.


~Tonia~ said...

Can we say spoiled??? =) What a life your animals have. It is so nice to see other people treat their animals as part of their family too. He is one lucky little guy to be in your care.

Shelley said...

He's so CUTE! I can't stand it!!! I cannot wait to see him in person~and his MOM!


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